Move Aside Little Blue Pill! A Better Solution is Available.

Posted by New Health Kansas on Jun 18, 2019 3:49:28 PM


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“As men age, the likelihood of experiencing difficulties in the bedroom increases. By age 40, nearly 40% of men experience some performance issues, and that continues to go up about 10% each year, so by age 60 nearly 6 out of 10 men will experience Erectile Dysfunction (ED).” (

If you watch TV or read magazines, you might conclude that men seeking treatment for erectile dysfunction (ED) have only one option: pharmaceutical medications that are little blue pills of pleasure. However, dominant brands like Viagra and Cialis won’t work for everyone and have been known to cause other health-related issues.

New Health Kansas proudly offers an alternative to drug treatment of ED, called GAINSWave®. GAINSWave® offers a drug- and surgery-free option with non-invasive treatments for men to optimize sexual function and reverse the effects of Erectile Dysfunction (ED).

If you are among the men who want — or need — to try other therapies for ED, GAINSWave® is a more permanent resolution. This procedure utilizes shockwave therapy, and it has several significant advantages over traditional sexual medicine or treatments.

What is Shockwave Therapy for ED?

New Health Kansas' GAINSWave® Extracorporeal Shockwave Therapy (ESWT) uses high-frequency acoustical waves so that men begin to experience better blood flow. The treatment’s acoustic waves assist with vascular health and regeneration.

How Does Shockwave Therapy Work?

Patients at New Health Kansas will experience the entire ESWT experience as a non-invasive, drug-free and painless procedure. ESWT does not require anesthesia, making it more affordable, more convenient, and it minimizes the amount of time necessary to complete each session. The procedure requires no downtime or required rest.

In just 6 to 12 sessions, each between 15 to 20 minutes, New Health Kansas' GAINSWave® treatments produce numerous benefits, including:

  • Stimulate the release of growth factors in penile tissue, resulting in the generation of new blood vessels
  • Break up plaque formation in existing blood vessels
  • Activate dormant stem cells, leading to new cell growth

Shockwave Therapy vs. Traditional ED Medication

While pharmaceuticals can help, shockwave therapy through GAINSWave® has a 75% success rate. ESWT allows couples to return to a more natural flow of intimacy - not waiting on drugs to perform during a specific "window" of opportunity. New Health Kansas' GAINSWave® treatment is discrete, effective and has no down-time.

New Health Kansas is proud to be a GAINSWave® provider and has three different area locations in Lenexa, Manhattan, and Topeka. Ready to learn more? Schedule a consultation with our team today!

Topics: GAINSWave®

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